How to treat sunburn

Good advice is to take sun bathing in short burst both before and after the heat of midday and to remember that salt water and strong winds will cause the skin to burn much more readily. Do not go to sleep in the sun, particularly if you are not accustomed to it, and do not allow children to become over-exposed. Most children have thier own built in warning device and become extremely tetchy when the sun is too strong when they have had enough so make sure that there is adeqate shade provided for them as well as a good supply tee shirts and sun hats. Sun blocking creams should be used on holidays , particularly abroad and especialy on children .Remember ,fairer the skin higher the sun block number required to give protection . Rosewater and glycerin will help moisturize and prevent the skin from dryingout and although this does not provide a barrier it reduce the heat.

Cucumber - cool cucumber sliced or mashed to a pulp make a cooling moisurizer but an even better one is to blend the juice of large cucumber with 1\2 teaspoon of glycerin . keep refrigerator and use within three days.
What is Sunburn and why it happens and how to treat it, today we will tell you through this post
sunburn is cased by ultraviolet rays from the sun and vary from healthy golden tan which many of us hope to achieve to a nasty burnt blistering cased by excess exposure which is both painful and destructive. not only dose too much sun have a ageing effect upon the Skin but it can also cause skin cancer, circumstance too which fair skinned freckled people seem to be particularly vulnerable . Our great grand mothers would never dreamed of exposing themselves to the sun as it would have been deemed not only in-elegant and vulger but also downright dangerous, for they took the threat of sunstroke very seriously indeed. where-as today we will spend a fortune on a sun blocking cream to ensure that we achieves a safe tan , they would have stayed beneath thier parasole and hats and attacked the slightest reddening of the skin with hydrogen peroxide or solution of weak amonia
Contrary to popular belief-thogh it may have worked in the days when only a minimal portion of the anatomy was exposedto a fairly weak sun-spraying cold water in a hot body whilst sun taning does not moisturize the skin . To prove the point try spraying cold water on meat roasting in a hot oven to see how quickly it will crisp up become leathery
Drink plentry of water to prevent dehydrationand protect the skin, lips and hair before going to the beach. Take a cooling bath upon returning then anoint the face and body thoroughly with oil to keep the skin supple and smooth.
How to treat sunburn
CALAMINE LOTION- it will reduce heat and soreness but it is drying may result in painful peeling .use the following instead
calamine and glycerin lotion
5 tablespoon calamine lotion
6 tablespoon pure water
2 tablspoon glycerine
Shake together in a bottle and use at night when neccessary. This is a very useful remedy
bicarbonate soda or baking soda -Either of these kitchen standbys mixed to a paste with water will take the heat out of small burn. For all over relief from the irritation add 2 tablespoon to a cool bath
cider vinegar or levender vinegar- Add 150ml (1\4 pint) either to a bath . It will ease that prickling sensation and is also effectively antiseptic
camomile or marigold infusion - Add of a good quantity of either infusion to the bath or use on a compress. Both herbs are also tremendously helpful in reliveing feverishness in overwrought children when used as a weak tea or soaked into cloth and laid on the forehead or back of the neck
Aloe vera - The juice squeezed from the fresh leaf of aloe vera and applied to a burn is gelatinous and soothing it can also be squeezed out and mixed with cold cream , white petrolium jeely (vasline) or oil to cover a larger area .
Strawbeeries - mash strawberries and buttermilk together to make a healing face mask. The strawbeeries alone will reduce redness and rash provided you are not allergic to them and buttermilk is cool and minimizes and irritation.
Quince seeds- soak quince seeds in water for two days. The resulting mucilaginous liquid soothers red , raw skin on face and hands. windsurfers, sailors and skiers take note
Yoghurt and rose water-Mix together 150ml of plain yoghurt and 2 tablespoon of rosewater Apply where it hurts to soothe and cool. The application of this delicious mixture can be made into a terrific game to turn a cantankerous child's thoughter from misery to laughter. Rose water and glycerine, 4 tablespoons of each, is one of the best moisturizers for children's skin but is not as healing as yoghurt.