
Showing posts from December, 2020

Can 14 years old girl can do manicure at home?

  Yes 14 years old girl can do manicure at home For ideal manicure you need following  Matrial : a big bowl full of soap- mixed lukewarm water, nail polish remover,nail filer,salt, cider vinegar, cuticle pusher, french chalk,nail buffer,hand cream,a seperate bucket full of hot water (to drench your hands in vapour for softening them)    The process of manicuring should being the following way First the check if there be any infection to your nails. Then proceed to remove nail polish with glycerin based remover.  Soak a cotton piece in the remover and clean the nail polish in one swipe. Ensure that your nail polish in fully removed. Now use a filer to file your nails to proper trim . Make the nails aquire an oval shape instead of the conical one. Remember to perform filing operations from middle to top. Now mix cider vinegar in the warm water and soak your hands for about  5 to10 minutes. While drying your nails with a dry towel keep pressing the skin below your nails, and pressing cut