
Care of eyes

         care of our eyes 

Eyes are supposed to be those two lamps which illumine your entire face. They are the most sensitive and expressive part your face.Some tried and tested method for ensuring GOOD EYE CARE  FOR BEAUTYFUL EYES  have been listed below.

1. If the skin around your eyes is quite dry, Apply cream over it by gently 'patting' it over the area and wipe off the super fl us or extra cream by tissue paper.

2. Always go for natural eye-tonic and like piece of cucumber, potato etc.- such eye-care aids. Just cut round piece of them. Keep them in deep freezer and put them on your eye.  This is an ideal tonic not only for enhancing the beauty of the eyes but also improving the eye sight as well. Particularly in summers this treatment must be resorted to quite often.
your eyes' beauty has a direct bearing upon your diet. Include such items in your food as have high vitamin 'A' content. Carrot , turnip, apricots, etc. are a rich sources of vitamin 'A' . Also have lot of fibrous vegetable like beans so that your system remains un constipated.
5. While using beauty aids use only herbal products or hypo -allergic beauty-aids (Hypo allergic beauty aids are those products whose application doesn't cause any allergy.)
6. The skin  around the eyes and eye -lids is very soft and dedicate. Rubbing a little almond oil, around your eyes before your retire, would keep the skin soft and glowing. The juice of water melon is also very good substitute of almond oil, particularly in summer when you might like to avoid using greasy oil. This juice also takes away the wrinkles around the eyes.
7. If you are used to having alcohol . Slash its consumption to minimum. Alcohol not only adversely affect your eye- sight , but  also dries the skin , around your eyes,and leaves dark rings. The same is true for smoking.

4. Have as much water as you can. Water drives out toxins from your body and also helps in keeping eyes remain clean and glowing.

8. Always wash your eyes with cold water and never with hot water. Whenever you are required to go out the sun use good quality sun glasses Don't compromise on it, for inferior glass of the goggles might harm your eyes. Never gaze towards the sun or towards a powerful source of light.

9. Use eye-make up very sparingly, for its excessive use damage.the skin around eye. Also, remember never to use chemical  eye-make -up-remover  because it reacts adversely on the skin. Instead,use the following mixture which is not only good for the skin but also for the eyes as well. Take 2 tea spoonful of almond oil and one tea spoonful of caster oil and remove the make-up gently with the help of cotton.

10. Use a soft brush to apply a little Almond oil on your eye-lashes before you retire. This application would make your eye-lashes longer.

11. In order to provide nourishment to your skin around the eyes, prepare the mixture in the following way and then apply it around your eyes.
        1 big tea spoonful of Lanoline oil
        1/2 big teaspoon ful of almond oil
 1 big table spoonful of  lecithin powder.
2 small tea spoonful of cold water
Take a wide-mouthed saucepan, put Lanoline in that, melt and add almond oil. Then remove the saucepan from the fire. Now add lecithin powder and water to it and stir the whole mixture to a homogenous fluid. It will be the best cream for applying around your eyes. Even otherwise, Almond oil is the best solution to keep your skin around the eyes soft and glowing. In this solution each ingredients has a specific job. While almond oil provides smoothness, Lanolin the required amount of moisture, lecithin requisite amount of protein and acts as a preservative.

How can I take care of eyes naturally?

Eye problems and their Care

Swollen Eyes:    

 this may be caused by many  reasons:  lack of sleep,
under nourishment , allergy etc.,making  the eyes upwards quite swollen. First of all such persons must drink a lot of water. Apart from it,munch a big potato and put the frozen pulp on each eyes for about 15 to 20 minutes. Also, if you want, you can also put the pieces of cold and frozen potato pieces on your eyes. Another treatment is using the frozon concoction of the calmile flowers and soaking it in a cotton pad put them on your eyes for about half-an hour. This also reduces the poped up eyes syndrome.

Fatigued Eyes

Constantly working under strong lights and watching television for a long duration also make the eyes quite
Fatigued eyes
Fatigued eyes

The best way to eliminate this fatigue is to gently massaging your eyes. You can use almond oil for this purpose. Also rub your both hands to warm the and  place them upon your eyes . The warmth of the hand would provide your eyes much relief.

Crow's feet (kind of wrinkles around the eyes)

Crow's feet Eyes
Crow's feet Eyes 

This may be due to dry skin, old age or even due to under nourishment. For this , the best precautions is not looking at the sun. Moreover more of this problem can even cause a slightly askew looks in your eyes. To get rid of this problem prepare the remedy the following way.

Take 1 tea spoonful of Apricot oil
1 tea spoonful Almond oil
1 tea spoonful Wheat germ oil

Mix these three oil and fill thier mixture in a small bottle. Massaging this oil gently over and around your eye lids,  skin  below your eyes would remove the crows' feet problem.

Black rings Around the Eyes

  If it is due to anaemia get  your blood checked. At times due to poor
digestion,lack of clean ambience, eating lot of starch and suger apart from drinking excessive alcohol, cause this problem. You must have a lot of those vegetable which are rich in vitamin  'A' washing your eyes with chilled rose water, heena water and the concoction of 'alder flowers'  be not available ,you can replace them with rose flowers. Wash your eyes repeatedly with cold concoction thus prepared. This treatment will also help.

      Blood -shot Eyes

Take about 20 leaves of 'Almond'  boil 
them in water and allow them to cool down. Then strain them and after chilling them apply it on your eyes. This will help in diluting the colour of your eyes.

General Exercises for the Eyes

 Keeping your head stationary revolve your eyes as much as you can in every direction: sideways, below, upwards in anti clock-wise and then anti-clock wise fasion. Do so, for a couple of minutes every day. Then put rose water soaked pads on them. These exercises will not only make your eyes look more beautiful, but eye-sight will also improve.




Hands are perhaps the most seen part  of your body . So they have to be kept clean and beautiful while firm as well since you accomplish your most of the work with these hands. You need not perform any special exercise for hands because in every exercise you perform, they get automatically exercised. But no matter how gracefully you adorn yourself yet if your hands rough and lusterless, the whole impact gets ruined. If your hands'skin is glowing lustrous and the hands themselves are well manicured you charm the on looker almost 'hands down'. That is way you must learn how to care for your hands. For this must wear gloves while working in the garden and kitchen. In case you find them uncomfortable use the barrier cream .A few recipes of the same are given below.

Egg- paste Barrier cream

Take the yellow of an egg a spoonful of sunflower oil four spoon full china clay. Mix them all thoroughly to prepare the a uniform paste. While doing comparatively heavy domestic chores apply this cream on your hands.

Marigold Barrier Cream

Home made cream
Home made cream

Take about a sppoonful of the essence of the marigold flowers; 20ml. boiled water properly cooled; 2 big spoons of Badam Rogan and 2 small spoonfulof the china clay. Make a uniform mixture of the entire material and reduce it into a paste form. Apply this cream before doing any heavy domestic work-like washing clothes and utensils.

 Mask of the flour of the new shoots of Barely and Honey.

Flour of the new shoots of barley            2  big Tspf.

Honey       1 big Tspf

Beaten Egg       1

Cotton gloves     A pair

Take the first three items and prepare a uniform paste out of them. Before you retire for the day, apply this paste and wear over them the cotton gloves. Wear the gloves at least for two hours and if possible for whole night. Then wash them off in morning and apply a cream or lotion on your hands before you start your day's work.

Almond & Milk Hand Cream

Ground Almond (seed)          2 big                                                       spoonful

Yellow of An Egg.            One Egg

Badam Rogan.                 1 spoon

Milk.                                   1cup

Add ground almond to the milk till the almonds are almost dissolved in the milk. Add yellow of an egg to it and bring the milk to boil. Now cool and make and apply this on your hands everyday when you retire.
Remember that the skin on your hands looses  it's shine and softness because of lack of vitamin 'C' and 'B'. As you advance in age eat those items which provide a rich quantity of thrse vitamins.

Hands and Nails care

Nails are like hair in thier structure , formed mainey og the element called carotin which is rich in protien. Often due to poor digestion or doing heavy work without taking proper care of the nails,they develop problem like Hang nails and Stained nails. In the earlier case nails upper layer get detached like the slough. In the case of stained Nails the culprit is invariably wrong way of removing nails polish which make the nails spotted.Apart from applying fresh lemon juice,use the following mixture to keep your nails healthy and shining.

Take the following material

1 Spoon ful (small) glycerin
5 spoon ful (small) rose water
4 spoon ful(small) Hydrogen peroxide (5 volume) 

Apply the mixture of those wotw the help of the nails brush . Their regular use would remove the stains on the nail

 Apart from these soaking your nail ahit in the lukewarm water and then applying white Iodine make them firm and shining.

Caster oil and glycerin application on nail in even quantity also make your nails glowing and Sturdy.

You can prepare your home made cuticle cream for proper nail care . Heat up two big spoon of pure petroleum jelly and then add up half a spoonful of glycerin and cool it. Now your cuticle cream is ready. Apply it your nails.

Always use glycerine mixed remover to remove nail polish from your nails. This would avoid making them stained.


For ideal manicure you need following 
material: a big bowl full of soap- mixed lukewarm water, nail polish remover,nail filer,salt, cider vinegar, cuticle pusher, french chalk,nail buffer,hand cream,a seperate bucket full of hot water (to drench your hands in vapour for softening them)

The process of manicuring should being the following way

First the check if there be any infection to your nails. Then proceed to remove nail polish with glycerin based remover.  Soak a cotton piece in the remover and clean the nail polish in one swipe. Ensure that your nail polish in fully removed.

Now use a filer to file your nails to proper trim . Make the nails aquire an oval shape instead of the conical one. Remember to perform filing operations from middle to top. Now mix cider vinegar in the warm water and soak your hands for about  5 to10 minutes. While drying your nails with a dry towel keep pressing the skin below your nails, and pressing cuticle surface with cuticle pusher. Now rub hand cream on your hands and steam the hands with water vapour. Now put the little of french chalkon every nail and buffer be not available use soft cotton and piece of velvet to shine your nails. The buffering process not only shines your nails but also make them firm.


As the name suggests this section deals with the up -keep and maintenance of your feet's beauty.

This makes feet clean, free of corn and be pedicure
 you need following 


lukewarm water, soap ,pumic stone ,nail varnish remover, A little of good cream and oil,salt, Cider vinegar,lime-skin, nail cutter,nail filer, nail brush,cuticle cream,cuticle   pusher,nail cleaner, french chalk, nail buffer

The process

First see whether your toe-nails are not dirty . If they are, clean them with the nail cleaner.
Then remove the nail polish with the help of nail varnish remover. Cut the  toes' nail with the cutter and file them with the filer to give them straight filing. This way the nails won't grow towards inside.
        Now take  lukewarm water in a bowl and add to it salt and cider vinegar as per the requirements. Usually one is to 4 ratio seems adequate. Soak your feet in the solution for about 10 minutes. If you want you can add some perfume in this mixture. In summer a few drops eau-de-cologne would be ideal. In winter you can go for any almond based perfume. When you keep your feet soaked in this water about 20 minutes or so you would find your skin losing its rough outer layer. To remove the dead skin cells rub the area with the pumic stone.

 Now apply cuticle cream on the toe nails and press the skin of the big and small toes with the cuticle pusher. Having done so to your satisfaction rub the lemon skin (inside). Over the a toe skin to make it clean and shining.
    Now drain off this water and take fresh water in another bowl or same bowl freshly cleaned. Dry your feet in the intervening period and then liberally rub cream over the entire feet. After this treatment the cream fits well in the pores to keep your feet soft and shining.
  Now put the little French chalk on every nail and start the buffering opration till each nails start shining.

Yoga for glowing skin and healthy hair

Dandruff treatment

some exercise to keep your hands and feet muscles firm

 1.   Stand erect and move your hands only in such a way as if you are skeeping.

2. Close your fist and move the fist side ways and in every possible direction.

3. standing erect flex your fingers reapetedly till you feel tired.

4. Occasional cracking your fingers is also a good exercise.

5.stand erect touch your toes with your hands. This will strengthen your legs and feet while making your hand-muscles also firm.

6. Lie supine on a hard bed,raise your one leg as much high as possible, maintain that position for as much period as you can. Make sure that your raised leg form a 90 degree angle with your rest of the horizental  body. Reapet the exercise with the other legs. Make at least four to five rounds.

7. Lie as before and try to touch your both  raised up feet with your hands while keeping your back straight and pressed on the floor. Hold it as much as you can and then relax.

8. Lie on the stomach, raise up the legs as much high as you can and try to lock them with your hands. In perfect locking stance, your body should apear like a bow kept on the ground with hands and legs joined giving the impression of a taut bow string.

Pregnant ladies and those with back problem shouldn't do this exercise.


yoga for glowing skin and healthy hair with pictures

Yoga for Glowing skin and healthy hair 

Yes yoga for hair growth is a and thing  and these 7 poses will  give you a longer,stronger mane as a proof

1. Sarvang Asana
2. Sarpasana            3.Kupkuta Asana
4.Shutrmurgha Asana

In fact all these Asana restore the hormonal balance in the body and regulate the circulation of the blood hence they have

beneficial effect on the hair growth and skin glow  as well. We shall be discussing these yoga Asanas one by one. Because these Asana are  very useful for glowing skin and hair

Sarvang Asana -This literally means the ( yogic) exercise for all organs of the body. Sarvangasan is made of three sanskrit word  'sarva' means all 'anga' means organ and 'asan' means exercise or positions . By revitalizing the whole body by energising thyroid and parathyroid glands it keeps the body and hence hair in most fit condition. Sarvng Asana is the best for glowing skin to another asana


Stage (a):  Raising the legs place a folded blanket on the ground. Lie flat on your back with both legs straight and together. Now straighten your Armand place them besides the body.  Palm downwards.
For a new second completely relax the whole body. During the move, raising the body, the breath can be retained inside or outside. That is you hold your breath. Now slowly raise your legs by contracting and utilising the abdominal muscles. The movement should be gradual with control, it should take at least 10 seconds for the legs to reach vertical position. Keep the legs straight and together. If possible try to raise the legs using only abdominal muscle for this action will help you straighten these muscle. At the end of movements the buttocks should be back on the ground with the legs pointing directly upward.

Stage (b):  Taking the final pose. In this stage the arm and hands should take on active part in assuming the final position. Elevate the lege further off the ground by pressing this hand and arm ,the naye of the neck , back of the head and shoulder. Close the eyes. Try to relax the whole body. Breath deeply and slowly. Be aware of the breathing.

Stage (c) : returning to the starting position. Stay in the finally reached position as long as you can. Then fold the straight legs over heads so that the feet above and behind the back of the head. Slowly raise the position of the hands behind the chest and the place the arm flat on the floor. Slowly lower the buttocks to the floor. Then gradually rotate the straight legs over the top of the head and lower them to the ground again while not using as much as possible the assistance of the arms . Now completely relax the body when it is once again flat on the ground. Reach all the position mentioned above, slowly and rhythmic. there should be no jerky movement.

Who should not do this asan?    

 who have  weak heart, excessive high B.P.  Though after some time the B.P. is greatly reduced initially it is increased. Also pregnant ladies,those who have weak blood vessels, excessively enlarged thyritis and those with a slipped disc history. This shouldn't be practised with in three hours of your filling your belly. Also when you are ill or tired.

2. Sarpasana (snake pose)

Technique: Lie flat on a blanket spread on the ground on your stomach. Fold your arm behind your back clasping the wrist of one hand with the fingers of the other hand. Rest the forehead on the ground. The legs should be straight and together with the soles facing upwards. Relax the whole body.  Breath normally for a short time. Then inhale deeply and slowly. expanding the chest and the abdomen as much as possible. At the end of inhalation slowly bend the head backward . When you have bent the head backward as for as possible slowly start to raise the shoulder and upper back. The movement is executed by contracting the back muscles and sing the arms. Raise the body as high as you can without causing any strain. Hold the final pose while continuing yt retain the breath inside. Ensure that weight of  the body is supported on the soft part of the abdomen- the hilly. The lips should be as relaxed asa comfortable length of time slowly lower the body to the floor while exhalle Completely relax the body in the starting position. Allow respiration to  return to normal. Then repeat the saans up to five times. All these stages to be achieved, gradually and in a peace meal fashion.

Inhale while in the starting position; this should be as deep possible for this has much influence on the benefit obtained. Retain the body while raising the body and maintaining the final pose . Exhale while lowering the body to the ground again. Be always aware of breathing and movement. Stay in the final pose as long as you can retain your breath.

3. Kukkuta Asana

First sit in the posture of padama asan . This is achieved the following way. While sitting on the ground. Attached your legs forward. Keep them together. Place the right dooton the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh in such a manner that the heels of both the feet touch the abdomen on the side of navel.  Keep the hands on the knees. Keep the body, back and hand erect . The knees of the both the feet should touch ground and genrally the eyes should remain closed. One should do pranayam also in this pose

Now for kukkut asana insert your hands between the openings in your calves and thighs. Then push the hands further and keeps your palm firmly planted on the floor with your fingers fully spread push your thigh and legs up your arms, your arms as the fulcrum of entering the force toleftt your body up. Keep your torso as upright as possible. Breath normally. Do it at least for a minute

The pregnant ladies shouldn't do it

4. Shutermurgh Aasan-for the hair another aasan that is good is shuturmurg asan 
For this keeping your legs strait

Shutrmurgh asaan pose
from your waist and try to touch the toes or even the floor this you can do with a little practice. Hold it for a few seconds and then gradually assume your standing pose.

Vajra means thunderbolt in Sanskrit since this asana makes the body as strong as thunderbolt. It is so named.

Vajar asana pose

Technique:  knee ownn on the floor with your knees ankels and big toes touching the ground. Now sit down on your heels and place your palms on the knees . Keep your self erect but relaxed. Breath should be deep, even and slow. Now expand your chest and draw the abdominal region inward.

6. Chakarasan

Technique:  Lie flat on your back. Bend the legs and place the heels near the buttocks the feet should be about half a meter apart . Bend the arms and place the hands on the ground besides the back of the head; the fingers should point to words the shoulders with the palm flat on the floor.         

  Now relax the whole body  for a few     seconds  in preparation for performing the final pose. Breath in deeply. Then raise the head and trunk of the ground straightening  the legs and arms, the feet and hands should not be moved. Now try to arch back as much as possible to take the final pose .

Let the head hang between the two straight arms. The degree of bend in the neck can be accentuated by bending or straighting the knees and allowing the shoulders to move over the arms. Do not over stretch the back in arching it. This is the final pose. Breath slowly and deeply. Stay wering the body to the ground. This asana can be repeated once or twice if you have sufficient energy and time.

7. Shavasasana

This asana is also known as lnrityua have means corpse, hence the name.

Technique:  Lie flat on your back in the apne position. Place a small pillow on a folded blanket behind your head with the corners pulled under the shoulders. This ensures relaxation of your ne kand shoulder muscles. Rest your arms in line with and on each side of your body. The palm should face upwards and hands should not be clenched. The legs should be straight and slightly separated.  Now close your eyes. Try to feel diffrent part of your body in contact with the floor. This is most important for it. Starts to develop your awareness of the different parts of the body. Feel the contact between the floor and the buttocks. Keep your attention on the pressure between the floor and the buttocks for few seconds until you think that this area of the body is relaxed. Now try to feel contact between the floor and right arm, right hand, left arm, left hand, the middle of the back, each shoulder blade in turn,t the back of the body, the back of the head-in short each limb your body separately . Try to feel that each part of your body is losing sensation. What you should do is to try to remove any tention. You feel in your body's any part totally. Don't suppress the thoughts if they occur; merely continue to direct your attention to the systamatic relaxation of the different part of the body in the way already mentioned. If you have managed to carry out these instructions in the way describe, with awareness you will surely feel that you have attained a wonderful relaxed state, and mentally. When you have finished the practice, gently move and clench your hands move your feet and slowly open your eyes.

If you are able to do this daily even for five minutes you would find a sea -change in your life. Particularly those people who remain under tension and charged state due to stress of the modern life which makes them lose hair profusely would fined there hair regaining the lost shin and vitality.

This is a very important Asana and virtual boon in the modern life. It relaxes the whole physiological and pychogogips system of the entire body and make it acquire peace.

Read also

Skin care 


Dandruff treatment for hairs

Dandruff treatment for naturals

Tried and Tested Formulas For getting Rid of Dandruff

1. Shampoo your hair the following way  apply it to the root of the hair by your fingers very softly and massage it gently. Then wash it off with Luke warm water.
Head dandruff

2. Buy some 'Triphala' from market which is easily available there Mix 1 teaspoon of it in one glass of water and boil. let simmer for about three minutes. cool it and strain it . Mix with equal quantities of cider vinegar or malt vinegar and massage the lotion in the scalp gently and leave it on. use the treatment in night and shampoo with a mild one early next morning.( This treatment is very effective when your dandruff is oily).
Hair wash

3. Add a mugful of water two tablespoons of malt vinegar. After shampoo,rins the hair with it. Towel-dry your hair. This is an excellent remedy to prevent oily dandruff.

4. The remedy is also very effective on oily dandruff. Soak two spoonful of fengreek seeds in water over night. In the morning, make a paste of the seeds and apply on the head. leave it on for half on hour. Then wash hair with soap nut (Reetha)  or shikakai and water. You may use a herbal shampoo instead to wash your hair . Follow this routine at least twice a week

5. In case you have dry dandruff,f fo best results massage your scalp with one teaspoon hot castor oil,1 teaspoon coconut oil and one teaspoon til oil (sesame) . Leave it on for about half-an- hour and then shampoo it out. During winters do so at least twice a day

6. Again,if you have dry dandruff, take about 5 tablespoons of yoghurt (or plain curd) and squeenze  half a time in it. Take two spoonful of green grams and powder them. Mix it in the curd. apply on scalp and leave it on, for the minutes. Wash your hair with a creamy shampoo suggested earlier. Do so at least twice a week during winters and trice during summers.

7. Take a table spoon of eau-de-cologne and two aspirin (tablet) crushed into this liquid. Apply it on your hair and wash it off with a creamy shampoo.

8. Take a cupful sour whey (Mattha or lassi) and apply it gently on to the roots of your hair. Then wash it with plain water without using any shampoo. Then run your hair dry with a soft towel.

9. Take a cupful of mild water and squeenze one'lime s juice in to it. apply on to the root of your hair and allow it to dry. Do so sa least three or four times a week.

10. Take two spoonful of besan (gram flour without husk)  add a little of plain curd and half spoonful of lime juice and rub it on your hair roots. Allow it to drag and wash it off with plain water,at least twice a week.

10. Never want your hair with boiling hot water. The extra heat on the scalp encourage danfdand formation.

11. Soak over night Anwala and Reetha then wash your hair with this water . In winter add a little of hot water to take the chill out of the solution. Wash your hair with this water at least twice a week.

12. Add a little of 'Basan' in a couple of spoonful of vinegar. Then put a few drops of pure  honey in to it . Quickly apply this paste like formation on to your hair. Wash it off with a mild shampoo or plain luke warm water.

13.  Rub lukewarm castor oil on to your hair then soak a soft towel in hot water and squeenze the water out of it cover your head with this towel and keep your head covered this way for about 10 to 15 mts. Then remove the towel and wash your hair with lukewarm water. This indirect formentation will immediately help hair gain strength and fight against the itchy flakes.

14. Take a little of Besan and make a thin solution by adding to the sour whey. Rub this-lotion gently in your scalp and covering your head with a towel stay as you are. Then wash your hair with cold or Luke warm water depending upon the season.

15. Take the leaves mehndi and boil   them with Amala, shikakai and   Bahera(of fruit of the tree belleric myrobalan) and a little of water for about ten minutes. then cool the solution, mesh the fruity ingredients and strain. Apply this water on to the root of your hair then let it soak for half an hour. Wash it off with cold water in summers and lukewarm water in winter. this is very effective treatment to get rid of all kinds of dandruff problems.
Dandruffed hair

16. Normally if you rins your hair with    a little of vinegar (diluted with water)   solution every time you clean your   hair, you might never face this  dandruff problems.

In case the dandruff doesn't clear up in time you should take medical advice. At times persistent dandruff problems could be the consequences of a fungal infection. 

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